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3 Least Known Steps To Upgrade Our Christian Experience

Lee, a German who just arrived in Thailand and is looking for a church.
John, a nominal Christian who goes to the church casually.
Mike, an online gamer who stays indoors.
Megan, a mother who loves to search Youtube for contents for her children.

Our ideas about evangelism have somewhat improved overtime. As a kid, I used to believe that evangelism is all about preaching and community service. But now, we come across the terms like food evangelists, online ministry, music ministry.

This tells me that evangelism is simply sharing everything about Jesus Christ. And everything about Jesus Christ is Good News! And this Good News grows so fast in our hearts that it races out in our words, naturally.

Indeed, evangelism is a lifestyle.

As we know it, people, like the ones I mentioned earlier, are attracted to different lifestyles. How can the church connect to them?

The answer - an upgrade! An upgrade to our evangelism-lifestyle.

I’m talking about online ministry, digital evangelism, media ministry, whatever you call it.

Ofcourse, we are not encouraging people to use Facebook inside the church. But, at least lessen some extremists on technology.

Truly, we can make internet work for the gospel.

Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Perhaps the next awakening might happen online.

So online ministry - in layman’s term, sharing everything about Jesus Christ online.

You have heard that before or maybe you’re doing it for sometime now already. But the question is, do you do it personally, or as a church? Or perhaps, as a church, but not personally?

What then? That’s why we need an upgrade!

And here are the terms for our upgrade:

I see maybe photographers, writers, artists, actors, talented members of our church doing ministries independently. Why? because they don’t see opportunity in the church.

It’s high time to integrate online ministry in the church as much as children’s ministry, women’s, music, etc. and hone those talents.

I see organized singing groups, choir members, pathfinders, with their elected officers, all practicing for entry maybe next month or two.

And I see online ministry doing service 24 hours 7 days a week, online and even offline, and yet unrecognized, undermanned, unsupported.

While there are unique advantages to doing online ministry independently it is still important for Christians to find and commit to a local church as it is the body of Christ on the ground.

The church must provide an online ministry culture.

If evangelism is a lifestyle, then online ministry should be intentional, not occasional.

Plainly watching videos online because there’s a live service going on is good, but that doesn’t make much difference compared to just sitting inside the church and listening to a sermon.

Get involved. Engaged.

I say, TMI - Total Media Involvement.

We only think of photos and videos, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. But online ministry opportunities are not just that.

In fact, as part of our upgrade, we’re not going to talk about photos and video. Instead, I invite you to join me and become...

According to the Center For Online Evangelism (COE), the one that caters the need for digital evangelism in the world Church, it says

If your church uses social media, remember to create content to engage your audience.
Don’t simply post content promoting events at your church.
Social media is not broadcast media. It’s about relationships and interaction.

Involving ourselves to online ministry doesn’t give us an excuse to only reach, inspire, and comfort people virtually.

To touch and completely fill the need to love and be loved in person is still irreplaceable.

I know some of us long to have some sort of qualification to officially work as an online missionary.

Don’t worry, because you’re about to become a Christian Local Guide - your credential to online missionary work.

When we upgrade, we can connect to people like Lee, John, Mike, and Megan, or maybe the person next door. Who knows!

You’re guiding people to the church’s front door.

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