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Real Examples On What You Can Do Online For God

We’ve learned that when the church leads an online ministry culture, instead of doing online ministry independently, we find talented members committing to a local church.

Then the members become intentional in their engagement and involvement and not sticking to the same old method of sharing the messages, thus giving people an opportunity to discover what the body of Christ, the church, is truly like.

And finally, members become Christian local guides, guiding people to the front door of the church, reaching people virtually, yet touching them physically, because the need to love and be loved in person is still irreplaceable.

You’ll be amazed at how many people you have helped reach the church.

I have few real examples on what you can do online for God.

Application 1

One time, I received a message from a concerned father because he’s asking for the location of the church in one of the remote areas in the Philippines so he could introduce it to his son. But I’m in Thailand! Nevertheless, I gave him the location of the church and the contact number of a friend there.

Application 2

We visited one of the churches here in Thailand to promote our upcoming youth event.

It really took us sometime to locate the church. So I decided to add the church on the map, rated 5-star and added some details, and pictures.

Sometime later, when I checked it again, one of the church elders added his contact number to the listing. That made me glad for they took the initiative.

A month later, one of my friends at work told me about a Thai woman who contacted the elder to visit the church the following Sabbath.

The Thai woman told the Elder that she was looking for an Adventist church nearby after she found out that the true day of worship is the Seventh-day Sabbath.

Praise God, she found the church through Google Maps.

Watch the video below for a step by step tutorial on how to make your church find-able online and rank first in Google search.

Application 3

It’s been a while now since I published my website.

Here, I envisioned helping influence individuals to use their skills efficiently and productively.

I write about anything that doesn't fit into any categories, but I write mostly on personal learning experiences, productivity and discoveries, and on arts and music.

And here, my ministry is geared primarily towards individuals who have already made their commitment to God, but who want to grow into a relationship with Him.

Application 4

Recently, I’m happy to be part of the executive board of a church-led online ministry campaign - the Community7.

Community7 generates technical and financial resources for its continued growth, its clients, and the evangelistic work in Thailand.

Member’s contributions take advantage of the finance market to provide long-term financial benefits to the organization and its members.

Click here to visit Community7 website.

Application 5

Portions of the funds generated from the organization help support the expansion and operation of the GLOW ministry.

GLOW is an abbreviation for “for God so LOved the World”.

GLOW ministry connects with people, provides health monitoring and community development support. At the same time involving the church members in missionary community work here in Thailand.

Click here to visit GLOW website.

Application 6

The Community7, through its arm, the C7 Media, also provides tools and knowledge to manage a free to affordable website platform for online evangelism.

Click here to visit C7 Media website.

Are there many online missionaries out there?

The answer is yes.

You are not alone.

But according to the Center For Online Evangelism...

There are many online missionaries and digital disciples out there already. But as you know, the harvest is so plentiful that more workers are always needed.

Every time you see a post, and ignore it, you thought nothing happened. But the truth is, you indirectly create a traffic that online merchandisers use for their advantage. How much more if you like, comment, or share, that post!

Remember, your very presence online can either promote the cause of Jesus, or support vanity. Please choose Jesus.

Even your simple casual visit to a Christian content creates a ripple of blessings in the world wide web.

Please do something for the Lord online.

Create, share, comment, react, like, post, view, tweet for Him!

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