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Guessing Game To Tell The Gender Of The Baby During Pregnancy

My wife is now in her 5th month, or 23rd week of pregnancy. Our parallel lines is rapidly growing. You know what that means? People are already asking about the much awaited answer to the most common question - what’s the gender of the parallel lines?

What they don’t understand is that, as much as they are excited, the parents are even more excited too. And because everyone’s excited, we had received various unsolicited opinions, predictions, superstitions, methods, old wives’ tales, folklore, hints, guessing game to know, tell, or find out the gender of the baby during pregnancy. Sure enough, although some say they have science to back them up, we know there’s a slight wink to it.


Start the fun!

And so yes, while waiting for the scheduled ultrasound, we did try all the suggestions, and they’re certainly fun to play around with.

So let’s start the fun playing the guessing game!

Mama physical tests

Black test
They believe that if you check for areas like the armpit and nipples, and find it’s darker compared to what’s normal, then it’s a boy.

Skin test
They believe that a baby girl gives mothers that glowing beautiful skin all over. On the other hand, boys give that frazzled or “losyang” look (a filipino slang for ''lost young'').

Face test
They say that if mothers seem to change their facial features to a not-so-better, nose enlarged, got pimples, then expect a baby boy.

Hands test
Some believe that the baby might be a boy if the mother gets dry, scaly or rough to the touch hands. Well, girls tend to have softer hands.

Boob size test
Some suggest that a larger left breast supposedly means boy. If a larger one is on the right, a girl.

Hair test
Don’t give the credit to shampoo and conditioner for a radiant luster hair, rather, hold the baby girl inside responsible.

Mama psychological test

Nap test
Some mothers say that if you frequently sleep on the left side, then it’s a boy. On the right, it’s a girl.

Morning sickness test
They say that if the morning sickness is prevalent, then it’s a baby girl. If it’s a boy, then it’s a less headache.


Memory test
Others say that if the mother is more forgetful, maybe because she’s carrying a baby girl. Baby boys seem to be a know-it-all.

Stress test
Some believe that if the mother is more stressed during pregnancy, then it’s a girl. Baby boys seem to not like unfavorable conditions in the womb.

Mama food tests

Eating habit test
If the mother is eating more, then it’s a baby boy. They said that if she’s controlling her diet, it’s a girl.

Cravings test
They say that if the mother craves salty, spicy or savory foods, it’s a baby boy. With baby girls, mothers prefer more on sweets snacks.

Food disinclination test
If the mother tends to dislike her once favorite foods, then it’s a baby boy.

Baby test

Height of bump test
They say that If the baby seems to be on the lower part of the belly, then it’s a baby boy. If it’s way up higher, it’s a girl.

Shape of the bump test
Some suggest that if the baby bump seems to be a ball shape then it’s a baby boy. It’s a girl if it seems to be wide like as if it’s all over the place.

Baby position test
Some mothers say that if the baby seems to stay more on the right side, then it’s a boy. If it stays frequently on the left, then it’s a girl.

Baby’s kick test
If the baby’s kick is stronger and frequent, it is believed to be a boy.

Folklore tests

Chinese gender chart test
Recall the time when the baby was conceived. Also find your age at the time of conception. Then use the Chinese gender chart test to predict the gender of the baby.

Mayan gender prediction test
Mayans believed that when the year of conception and the mother’s age at conception are both even or odd, it’s a girl. If one number is even while the other is odd, it’s a baby boy.

Other fun tests

Papa test
Here’s an interesting belief. If the father seems to get bigger, then the mother is carrying a baby girl.

Key test
Here’s a funny belief. They say that if the mother, without looking, picks the bigger end of the key, it’s a baby boy. If she grabs the narrow end, it’s a baby girl.

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27


If you have questions about our free Gender Reveal Game calculator, please don't hesitate to contact us. What are your thoughts? Please share your ideas in the comments section below.

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