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Our Son's First 365 Days!

Hey! It's our son's first 365 days! And like every parent out there, we too wanted the best for our only son.

But Covid is an uninvited guest for our son's 1st birthday (in fact, it's been around since the day he was born).

Nevertheless, we've been so much blessed by God and we wanted to share our happiness still.

My wife had a better idea. She proposed an online game that started at day 362. Check it here.

And at day 363, we posted another online game. Check it here.

And so here we are, at day 365. And we promised to show you the answers, as well as the winners for our online game.

But before that, my wife wrote a very special poem for our son. She entitled it "Emoko 365".

Emoko 365

Arrived last year, ’twas June two
2 pm, our rendezvous
he weighs 3 something kilo
shows dimples to say hello

His dear name is Emoko
“I’m yours” in bisaya, yow
three letters his real name’s true
S-E-D, word from Hebrew —
Meaning, kindness all day through

Day one, peek-a-boo, he smiles
Month one, heard his cutest cries
time flies in his handsome eyes
‘love-u’ after many tries

Filled our feelings completely
bounces hearts like emoji
From chambers to the lobby
Echo giggles of baby

Now came day three-sixty-five
he laughs, jumps, and gives high five
Good parents to him we strive
Raise him and serve him good vibes

Praise God for you, Emoko
For He, really, does love you

And here is our son's journey from day 0 to day 365!

Here is the answer for the game 1!

Here is the answer for the game 2!

And here are the winners for our online games!

Thank you friends for sharing your happiness with us!

To more 365 days with God - our son!

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