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I Got Something In My Eye

I never thought that my ‘eye’ incident could give me a lifetime lesson.

Something in my eye!

I got something in my eye! (My right, particularly). I've flooded my eye with water, I could even drown myself. Deliberately teared up and it's driving me irritable. A trip to the doctor? I have no time. Good thing I had a mirror, but I can't see it. I don't have a finger to jab to the eye. Will it eventually come out on its own?

This happened last January. An unforgettable experience. Yes, I had several occasions before, I remember, wherein something got into my eye. Yet somehow, I managed to get rid of it in no time. But this one's different.

Yes, I silently prayed. But to tell you honestly, I did lose my patience. I always wanted to pull my eye out and wipe it clean or use a knife and scrape it out. I've been struggling for about 20 minutes. I still can't get rid of it.

Night is soon to commence and I got an appointment to attend. I was there, invited for the honoring ball for the newly licensed career professional from my Alma mater. And with this? Can't stand and show myself in the crowd, half-red-teary-eyed?

All my efforts avail nothing. Good thing my sister is with me, but she too is frustrated that she can't help.

But by God's grace

Just out of nowhere, this one lady came past us, and seeing we're uneasy, she turned back and gave advice.

"Why don't you try to scrape that thing off your eye using just a few strands of hair?" she said calmly. "I have tried it before and it worked!" She smiled and left.

I contemplated for a moment about what she's talking about. Hey! Why not? As soon as I came to my senses, I abruptly plucked two strands of my sister's hair. She even exclaimed to her surprise. Felt sorry about that.

This time I took courage, made a loop out of those strands, inserted into my eye and slowly scrapped it out, hoping that the "thing" might go with it.

I tried a few blinks to convince myself that I'm OK. And yes! It did work!

Why am I sharing this?

Two things

First, I want you to learn from my experience and somehow gets you the courage to do the scrapping if it happens to you.

Lastly, I really wanted to thank that lady. But I soon forgot what she looked like! You know, when you are in deep trouble, you find it too hard to comprehend about what's going on. And I don't blame myself for the same attitude. Yes, I'm relieved from my problem; worse, I never had the chance to thank her.

I remembered the disciples of old who only recognized their Master as soon as help came (John 21:6-7), and to the two disciples who failed to notice that it was Jesus whom they're walking along with to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-16).

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

Most of the time, our problems robbed us of our thinking, and truly, we can then say, "I got something in my eye!" that we failed to see. And when deliverance comes, we then understand and realize our folly.

What's your experience. Please share in the comments section below.

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