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Babies Are The Most Selfish Of All Creatures

We were given a privilege to look after a 4-month old baby for 7 days. And here’s the lesson I learned with an intention to overplay.

The most selfish 

Babies are the most selfish of all creatures. They don't care if you're sick, broke, tired, sleepy or hungry. They only think of themselves! They cry if they don't get what they wanted. They mumble to something they don't even understand. Selfish!

But here's the catch. You loved them anyway - with all your heart, with all your life! You don't even question it. You don't even think about it. Self is denied. True love is defined.

You long for their cries, you giggle to their requests, especially when they pull at you to bring more baby food. Your soul is always touched. You are always eager to go home early just to hold them once again. And you never let those precious moments end.

When they cry, you'd wipe away all of their tears. You are always pressing, just that you'll have all their attention from their tiny little space to sharing that little grip from their hands.

You don't think of what can a baby do for me, but what can I do for the baby. Service is not a question but an outburst of love.

Without any make-up, kilay-is-life, ripped jeans, branded clothes, and hairstyle, you'll always hear yourself, looking at them, so cute, so beautiful, so perfect! True beauty is defined.

Higher experience 

Enoch walked with God. And God took him (Gen. 5:24). That’s what you remember in the Bible, right? But that is not the whole story. Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah, his son (Gen. 5:22).

Don't get this wrong. Enoch had feared God during his earlier years. But after the birth of his first-born son, he reached a HIGHER experience in his relationship with God.

When he, by experience, shared God's love everytime he thinks of his son, his whole heart was softened. He was drawn into a closer relationship with the Father.

The experience he saw from his little boy as his son, appeared to be his experience with God as his heavenly Father. Enoch saw the child's love for its father, its simple trust in his protection; as he felt the deep, yearning tenderness of his own heart for that first-born son, he learned a precious lesson of the wonderful love of God to men in the gift of His Son, and the confidence which the children of God may repose in their heavenly Father (Patriarchs and Prophets, page 84).

Now you understand why Abraham became the father of faith after he offered his son, Isaac. And think of how the Father so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for our sins! True love must be experienced. And this experience must be a mirror to our experience with God.

What is love

And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:22-24

This is true love. That is true beauty, and this should be experienced by God’s people. Are you willing to experience His love through the people around you?

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