Mama's Boy Or Mama's Man - Make No Mistake
A Mama's Man
A man who loves his mother as she should be loved. A man who respects his mother as she should be respected. A man who takes care of his mother as she should be cared for.
A Papa's Man
Yes, too. How a man treats his parents says a lot about how he will be as a husband and as a father.
You cannot expect a man who treats the parents who raised him like trash to treat his wife like a queen.
A Mama's Man is different from a Mama's Boy.
A boy still needs his mother. A boy still depends on his mother.
A man doesn't.
Nothing is a greater catch than a man who no longer needs his mother yet remains a devoted son.
A man, not a boy.
Tagging the other equally great and equally handsome men - Warren and Shepard ❤️