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Try To Just Rest In Him - No Effort, No Striving, Just Overflow

On days when everyday becomes an endless routine of constantly feeling like a machine being manipulated by various external factors, we lose control of ourselves. We get swayed away by unwanted motions, pushing us towards the current that leads to a sea of inexplicable thoughts and emotions. Getting hold of ourselves seems like a real struggle when every time we try to grip, things slip. It’s draining, drowning, and exhausting.

Once in a while, we need to be reminded that we are human - susceptible to fatigue, stress, pain and a thousand valid feelings.

Have a break

Remind ourselves that we, too, need a break at times. Like machines, we need maintenance. We can’t always be on the run. It is necessary for us to recalibrate, refuel and recognize our struggles, check in every aspect, and repair any damages.

When waves of emotions overwhelm us, may we all learn to swim and stay afloat with our bodies submerged but head held high, keeping our focus while we gasp for air. Because no matter how vast the sea is, somewhere out there is a shore waiting for us. Until then, just keep swimming.

Need help?

It’s not too much to ask for an extra hand. Sometimes when it’s tiring, all we need is that little push from below and/or a pull from above, out of the pit we’re trapped in. There are people out there more than willing to help. Surround ourselves with people who’ll uplift each one of us, as we hold on together to conquer our own downfalls and setbacks.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."

Rest in Him

When we rest in Him, we get to be still and hear His heart. When we hear His heart, His love for us and others will overflow out of our lives and affect those around us. Instead of pouring out of an empty vessel, we get to just sit under His waterfall, and when our cups are full, the extra just oozes out and touches those around us. No effort, no striving, just overflow. Doesn’t that sound nice?

Instead of trying to ration out your emotional and physical energy between your daily commitments, try to just rest in Him. Listen. Be filled. God is so faithful. His to-do list is very short, but His grace is never-ending.

Now doesn’t that sound refreshing? Help me in the comments section below.

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