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Gifts, Reunions, Parties, Merrymaking? What Should We Be Looking For This Christmas And Every Christmas

2020 has been a different year from all the years in our life. With the lock downs and the new normal wearing masks almost all the time. Now, all the things that have happened this year, all over the world, but also in each of our families, and yet still we can say 'to God be the glory'.

God is good! Indeed, our loving heavenly Father has always been good and He never fails.

I hope that you will experience the joy that this season brings.

And it's a time for us to remember the greatest gift of all, our Lord Jesus Christ.

It's a time for us to remember the birth that made it possible for us to experience joy forevermore. Because when Jesus was born, He came so that He could live a perfect life, so that He could die on the cross, so that He, after His death will be resurrected. So now He's interceding for us.

But what does it really mean to have a Merry Christmas?

You had Christmas programs in your schools. You had Christmas parties with your classes. Now, everybody, even in a non-Christian country like Thailand, the Christmas spirit is still here. But of course, it's more of the business side of Christmas so that people will be encouraged to buy gifts.

Isn't that, what Christmas is all about? Giving, exchanging gifts, receiving gifts? It's a festive time.

But what is really the essence of Christmas and how can we really experience joy in Christmas?

Matthew 2: 1-15. In the Christmas story, there are a lot of characters: Mary and Joseph, and then the baby Jesus, who was born in a manger.

The book of Luke chapter 2 in Luke's account, another group of people, first, there were the angels who appeared to a group of shepherds.

Matthew chapter 2, we find another group, famous in the Christmas story. This is the group of the wise men, the magi from the East.

Among these groups of people involved in the Christmas story.

There was only one thing in common.

A group of angels, they came praising God, declare His praises and worshiping Him.

The shepherds, when they came to the manger, what did they do? They also bow down and worship Him.

And now came the wise men from the East. What was the purpose of coming to Jerusalem? They were looking for the baby that was to be born and they wanted to worship Him.

You see, at the very essence of Christmas, my friends, is worship.

And so this Christmas, if there's anything that you want to think about and you want to put meaning into the Christmas spirit, that remember to worship God.

If you have not experienced worshiping Him, then you have not captured the real meaning and spirit of Christmas. Because it's all about worship and worship is all about Him. It's not about us, but it's about Him.

But look at how we celebrate Christmas now.

It's all about us. It's focused on us: what gifts we will buy, what we are excited to know what gifts we will receive, what food we will prepare, what festivities and celebrations we are going to do.

But Christmas is not about us. It's about God. It's about His act of salvation. This is about worshiping Him.

I think there are 3 lessons that we can learn from the Magi which will help us to see how we can really experience joy in Christmas.

And the first lesson we can learn is from the question

What are you looking for?

You see, I believe that the joy and the true meaning of Christmas will be captured, if we know the answer to this question, 'What are you looking for in Christmas?' What are you expecting to have this Christmas?

Maybe our thinking already today, 'What am I going to give my, my son, my daughter', or maybe you have asked your family members what they want for Christmas.

But are we looking just for those things?

Just to these people? Just for family gatherings and all the fun that we will have together. Is that what Christmas is really all about?

Where did the wise men first go to look for the King that was born? They said we are here because we have seen the star of the King, that was to be born. And we have come, to what, to worship Him.

What should we be looking for this Christmas, and every Christmas - is an experience of worship.

They came because they wanted to worship the King. Is it on the gifts? Is it on the reunions? Is it on the parties? Is it on the merrymaking?

Our focus should be on the worship because if we miss worshiping Christ on the time that we remember His birth, then we miss the point of everything.

The second question is,

What are you looking for this Christmas?

Where did the magi first go? They went to the palace. Why? Because where will a king be born? In a palace. But then they soon realize that they went to the wrong place. Because not only didn't they find Jesus there, but they found a King, Herod.

They looked into the Bible, the scripture, and they found this, prophecy in Numbers 24: 17 "I see Him, but not now. I behold Him, but not near. A star shall come out from", where? "Out of Jacob."

And so they, when they saw the star, they saw it as a sign and they followed it. And Herod does not know anything, because he does not know anything about the scriptures.

So he called the priests and asked and inquired. And what did the priest say in verses 5 and 6? In Bethlehem of Judea - "For thus, it is written by the prophet, but you Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not the least among the rulers of Judah for out of you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel."

So now where did the priests turn the attention again, not only of Herod, but of the wise men?

To the word of God.

They said, don't look for Him in the palace. And when they turned to the word of God, they were directed to the right place.

Where to look for? And what is the name of the place? The house of bread - Bethlehem.

Are you looking for something, some meaning in your life, this time? Are you looking for guidance for the coming year? Are you searching for, for purpose in your life?

Go look in the right place.

Go to the Bible and you will be directed and guided and you will find meaning and purpose for your life. Don't look elsewhere, go to the Bible.

When they heard the King, they departed and behold the star, which they had seen in the East, went before them. Till it came and stood over where the young child was. They were guided by the star. They were guided by the word of God.

If you are lost. If you're confused. If you don't know the way.

If you don't know what to do, look in the right place - in the word of God.

Look for the right person, the star of the Bible, the star of the universe, the star of Christmas, which is no other than, our Lord Jesus Christ. It's all about him. Christmas is all about him.

And the last question is

What are you giving?

Why? Because yes, giving gifts is part of this story. Giving gifts is not just a traditional Christmas. It's right at the heart of what Christmas is all about.

When the magi, when the wise men came to the place, to the manger where Jesus was laid, they fell down, and worshiped Him. Because they had only one purpose. They want to worship the newborn King.

When you fall down your face, it means that you come humbly before God, recognizing that He is Holy, that He's powerful, that He's the Supreme Creator God, and that we are finite sinful human beings.

You fall down and worship before a Holy God.

You fall down and surrender everything to Him. You fall down and recognize your need for Him. That is what it means to worship.

They didn't only pay homage and honor and worship God, they also brought treasures, gifts. They presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Friends, this Christmas, don't just ask, 'What will I get as a gift?' But the best question to ask,

What can I give to God this Christmas?

And then I emphasize for that matter, that every time we come to worship, we must come with a spirit of giving.

How many of you come to the church, sometimes thinking, 'I wonder what I will get today?'

Friends, we are asking the wrong question. It must be the other way around. 'Lord when I come to worship, I wonder what I can give to you in worship'.

The wise men came with that attitude, exact right gifts.

Why? Because gold was a gift fit for a King.

In giving gold, they recognized that Jesus was the King of Kings.

They brought frankincense. Now incense, where do they use that? The priests use that in the temple. And it symbolizes that this child that was born is also the priest the mediator between God and man.

And then they brought myrrh. This is the spice that they used to anoint the body of a person before he's buried. But what does it mean? It symbolizes that Jesus, this child that was born is here to die. He was born to die so that the world will be saved. And we will have the hope of eternal life.

Friends, this Christmas, what are you giving to the Lord?

Every time we come to worship, what do we give to the Lord? We must come bringing all that we have and all that we are.

Remember what Paul said in Romans chapter 12: 1-2 "I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present yourselves, you offer yourselves, you give yourselves, as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship."

What is a reasonable act of worship? When we give ourselves to the Lord - all that we have, all that we are. Let us lay them at the feet of Jesus. We ought to give appropriate gifts. And the best gift that we can give is to give ourselves Holy to the Lord.

Do you want to have a merry, joyful, happy, meaningful Christmas?

Give. Give everything to God. If you haven't accepted Jesus, give yourself and your heart to Him. If you haven't surrendered everything to the Lord, now is the time to lay them down at His feet.

I don't know about you. Maybe there's a part in your relationship with your family, where you have held your pride, that you cannot forgive someone. Maybe that's the part that you need to surrender and give to the Lord.

Friends, it is now more than at any time of the year that we must learn to give all that we have and all that we are to the Lord. God will be delighted. You will bring joy to the heart of God. If you surrender and give to Him today.

Excerpt from the sermon of Pr. Arnold Galvo | December 19, 2020
Church Pastor of Trinity Adventist International Church | Bangkok Thailand

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