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Bible Quiz: The Family

1. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. Education must start at later years. ✔
B. Life itself is a school.
C. Education must first take place in the home.
D. People are always learning.

2. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. Parents should instruct their children about God's law.
B. Lessons about God should only be done orally. ✔
C. From babyhood the children should be taught of God's goodness.
D. Songs and prayers should be adapted in the mind.

3. Before sin, we don’t know exactly what was taught in the family school in Eden, but we may be sure that it dealt with ___.
A. the plan of redemption
B. the arts of sin and war
C. fashion and pleasure
D. the wonders of Creation ✔

4. After sin, the lessons taught of the family school of Adam and Eve dealt with ___.
A. the arts of sin and war
B. fashion and pleasure
C. the plan of redemption ✔
D. family planning

5. In the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-4, which of the following is NOT correct?
A. The brothers are very much aware about the plan of redemption.
B. Adam and Eve did their best to educate their children.
C. Good education doesn't always lead to better outcome.
D. Good education always leads to better outcome. ✔

6. In the childhood of Jesus, which of the following is NOT correct?
A. Jesus received instruction in the synagogue schools. ✔
B. Mary was the first human teacher of Jesus.
C. Scripture gives us very little detail about the childhood of Jesus.
D. Mary and Joseph were faithful Jews.

7. Which of the following is NOT correct??
A. Relationships are established and developed by means of communication.
B. Education should not include emotional and personal level. ✔
C. Education builds relationship.
D. Education is communication.

8. In the role of parents, which of the following is NOT correct?
A. In order for the children to love God, education should be done in a tyrannical manner. ✔
B. If the father, as head, is irresponsible, then the family-school will suffer the consequences.
C. Mothers set the mood and temperament of the home.
D. The family is the nursery of church, school, and society.

9. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A. Songs and prayers of God’s greatness should begin at crib-side and continue till graveside.
B. The family is our first schoolroom.
C. Every child has natural goodness even when left to themselves. ✔
D. No child is too young to begin hearing about the goodness of God.

So many families sincerely do what they think is right in the rearing of children, only to reap an outcome opposite to their expectations.

Let us as parents ask the hard relationship questions about what may have gone wrong.

  • How frequently do parents and children share matters of the heart with each other?
  • Does the child feel safe to share hopes, fears, and troubles with his or her parents?
  • Do the parents continually seek to affirm where the child is doing well, or does the child only hear criticism when he or she makes a mistake?
  • Are the parents patient as the child stumbles along in learning new activities or responsibilities?
  • Do the parents express empathy toward their children, remembering what it was like to be a child themselves?
  • Do the parents gently guide the children to have a relationship with God?
  • Or do they simply ramrod religious instruction instead?
  • Are the parents secure and adult enough to admit to their children when they make a mistake and to ask for forgiveness?
  • Or do they continually maintain a façade of perfection that the children see through anyway?
  • Have the parents devoted time to give exclusive attention to their children?
  • Do they play with their children?
  • Has respect been cultivated and earned between both parent and child?
  • Do the parents apply discipline in a calm, controlled environment, or impulsively in frustration or anger?
  • Do they communicate words and actions of love and tender care to the child, so that the child knows that they love him or her unconditionally?

Jesus and the Rabbinical School in Jerusalem

“After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers” (Luke 2:46, 47, ESV).

“At that day an apartment connected with the temple was devoted to a sacred school, after the manner of the schools of the prophets. Here leading rabbis with their pupils assembled, and hither the child Jesus came. Seating Himself at the feet of these grave, learned men, He listened to their instruction. As one seeking for wisdom, He questioned these teachers in regard to the prophecies, and to events then taking place that pointed to the advent of the Messiah.

Jesus presented Himself as one thirsting for a knowledge of God. . . . The doctors turned upon Him with questions, and they were amazed at His answers. With the humility of a child He repeated the words of Scripture, giving them a depth of meaning that the wise men had not conceived of. If followed, the lines of truth He pointed out would have worked a reformation in the religion of the day. A deep interest in spiritual things would have been awakened; and when Jesus began His ministry, many would have been prepared to receive Him.

The rabbis knew that Jesus had not been instructed in their schools; yet His understanding of the prophecies far exceeded theirs… They desired to gain Him as a student, that He might become a teacher in Israel.

The words of Jesus had moved their hearts as they had never before been moved by words from human lips. . . . The youthful modesty and grace of Jesus disarmed their prejudices. Unconsciously their minds were opened to the word of God, and the Holy Spirit spoke to their hearts. - Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 78–80.

Every Christian knows that Jesus is the Teacher of teachers, but how often is He known as the Student of students?

So, what makes Jesus the model Student?

He has a curiosity and hunger for knowledge of God that makes Him an attentive listener. He asks questions, showing that He is an active, not just a passive, learner.

He’s not reluctant to offer answers either. He shows that He can be vulnerable and put His ideas out on the table for others to judge, criticize, or affirm. This builds the resilience He will need when, as an adult, His words will bring accusations of demon possession (John 8:48) and calls for His death (John 8:40). But as a Boy who has been speaking of God since He was 12 (and probably sooner), He could not be intimidated.

Good students always make the best teachers.

Sabbath School Lesson | Christian Education | Lesson 2 | October 3-9, 2020 | The Family

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