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How To Get Away With Problems

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve in our lives. Things we pray for daily. Unpleasant circumstances we want to put an end to. And this pandemic, of course, to be ultimately put in our rearview.


Life happens

But experience should have taught us that what we desire doesn't just pop up right in front of our faces. Oftentimes, there's a test of patience involved through waiting and occasionally what we long for doesn't even come at all.

At these menacing times of crisis, it feels easier to complain. It sure is easier to feel scared.

You'll get tempted to be negative, get devastated, or become the toxic victim by the overwhelming, sudden, and dreadful obtrusion to our work, plans, and normal way of living.


But, we have to be resilient. Dust off yourself from all these despondencies and feelings of defeat. Swim towards the shore of victory! Face this adversity and more importantly, adapt!

There are uncomfortable things in front of us right now. But we have to see it as a training for our upcoming purpose in life.

So, stop hugging your knees and start changing your attitude towards this crisis.

Stop giving in to despair and start thinking of 5 things you are grateful for. Then make it 10, and 20, or 50. If you're getting the point, then you can make it a hundred.


Make up your mind. Get the right attitude. You have got to find things you are happy with. Because we have countless things, big and small, to be thankful for.

God allowed this so He must have a reason for this. And it's not to put you down but to lift you up. So grow from where you're being planted and bloom!

Life isn't happening to you. Life is happening for you!

Just as it's easier to see the stars at night when it's dark, it’s also easy to find the things we are thankful for in this turbulent crisis now.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. Romans 8:28

Find the good despite your circumstances, thank God, speak victory, grow, and ultimately, bloom!


What’s your experience? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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