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How To Have Peace Amidst Crisis

King David is probably the most well-known character in the Bible next to Jesus. The timeless account of how he defeated an enemy almost twice his size has been preached about countless times.



But defeating one gigantic champion isn't what truly is remarkable in his story, his faith in God is. When the more skilled and battle-hardened Israelite army magnified the enemy, David came and he magnified the living God.

What King Saul and Israelite army saw was a huge problem. David saw an opportunity to ostentatiously flaunt God's greatness.

Goliath taunted the helpless Israelites and made fun of them. David talked back and said, "I will defeat you in the name of God."

Seeing God

David went out and defeated the haughty giant. He ignored the threats. The enemy's intimidations didn't work on him. When he looked to God, he received courage, hope, and strength.

Until David, King Saul and the Israelite army couldn't find a way out of that crisis. They weren't seeing God amidst the crisis. But David did. And Israel was better for it.

Fear not

In times of difficulties and hardships, don't get tempted to see how big the problems are. Instead, look up and see how even more magnanimous God is.

In times of crisis, when you get threatened, when you get discouraged, when you see no way out of your predicament, be reminded, the Lord is your Shepherd. And even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear not for the Lord is with you.

At some point in our lives, we'll find ourselves in a crisis, be it financial, health, security, a relationship is in crisis, or who knows what. The point is, it happens. It's inevitable. But the good news is it's temporary. It's not the end. You are not alone. God is with you.

See to it

See to it that you steadfastly cling to His promise of abundance.

See to it that you do your part and keep the right attitude.

See to it that you magnify God and not the crisis.

See to that, see God amidst crisis and you will achieve peace, hope, and surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

See you in the comments section my friends.

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