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The Reason Why We Need To Work For Six Days!

There is something more in the fourth commandment than just to keep the Sabbath holy.


Every day in college, as I keep myself super busy with studies and life, Sabbath becomes the day of anticipated rest and carefree. One out of seven days, to rest from whatever worries and cares is a healthy habit.

As soon as the school year ends, and the summer months commence, my weekly cycle shifts from busy to “be easy” state. Gone are the exams and projects and here I welcomed entertainment and pleasure.

Not anymore

Weeks went by in this state, and although the Sabbath remained the special day free from secular activities, something is different now, I noticed. The Sabbath stands in the way between a week of continued entertainment and pleasure.

The Sabbath, which for me a delight and the most anticipated day in the week - no not anymore. The Sabbath became less valued and often its sundown-to-sundown is wished to start late and end so soon.

One day

We are told from the Bible to “remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy”. I used to know that by heart since I was a kid.

Every Sabbath day we go to church and enjoy the fellowship of fellow believers. This happens only once every week, once at the end of every seven-day cycle, just once, compared to the number of other days intended for me.

Something more

Through my experience, God showed me that there is something more in the fourth commandment than just to keep the Sabbath holy. I think this is also one of the things most Sabbath keepers forget about.

The Sabbath command in Exodus 20:8-11 is two-fold, that is, to keep the seventh-day holy and to work for six days.

Six days

To work for six day? Yes you’ve read it right. God in His infinite wisdom added in Exodus 20:9, “six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work.”

To work for six days is a command and should not be taken for granted. To work for six days is a blessing, to know that we have more days for ourselves than the only seventh for God.

Furthermore, working for six days is a blessing to celebrate and anticipate God's prepared rest at the end of the busy and exhausted week.

Work and rest

There’s no rest if there’s no work. We cannot celebrate rest fully if throughout the week we are already seated on the couch.

Six days we must do all our work, be busy, and be active, sure enough, we’d long for rest.

What is your Sabbath experience? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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