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Bible Quiz: Creation: Genesis As Foundation, Part 2

Many great thinkers were inspired by Scripture to explore God’s created world; as a result, modern science was born. Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, John Ray, Robert Boyle, and other early great scientists believed that their work revealed even more about the handiwork of God’s creation.

After the French Revolution, however, nineteenth- century science began to move from a theistic worldview to one based on naturalism and materialism, often with no place at all for the supernatural. These philosophical ideas were popularized by Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859). Since that time, science has increasingly distanced itself from its biblical foundation, resulting in a radical reinterpretation of the Genesis story.

Does the Bible teach an antiquated, unscientific view of cosmology? Was the biblical account simply borrowed from the surrounding pagan nations? Was the Bible culturally conditioned by its place and time, or does its inspired nature elevate us to a view of origins that is complete in its divine framework?
Sabbath School Bible Study Guide
2nd Quarter 2020 | How To Interpret Scripture
Lesson 9 | Creation: Genesis As Foundation, Part 2


Bible study should be fun and engaging. Make your church or youth fellowship come alive. Or gather the family together and give a test!

As much as we pursue educational advancement, we pursue knowledge through God's word! Find encouragement and inspiration to keep going. The Bible offers much wisdom and satisfaction - science, health, history, productivity, politics, and so much more!

Every week, we study on a regular daily basis the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide. Precious truths are presented and discussed but the value will soon be forgotten if not remembered.

Every Saturday afternoon, we give a live Bible quiz on our Youtube Channel based on that study and people in different places are able to participate online.

This quiz exists to be a supplement to your hunger for God's truth. It is our ardent desire that this material helps you on your resolve to get wisdom and understanding!

If you happen to miss the live stream, don't worry. Below are the steps in which you can still replay the quiz at your convenience. Also, please check out our previous quizzes and recall what you have learned so far.

Option 1 : Join the live quiz

Please visit Quizizz. We recommend you download the app for better experience. Please log-in or create an account if you don't have one. You're going to use this app to give your answers.

Copy and paste the Quizizz game code shown on the live stream to the app.

Watch the live stream and answer the questions as they appear. If you accidentally close the app, you can always go back by clicking 'view past games' in the home tab.

Option 2 : Replay the quiz

Click the button below to go to Google Forms. Please log-in your email address. You're going to use this app to give your answers.

Watch the live stream and answer the questions as they appear.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8

We tried our best to make this quiz as accurate as possible. In case you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. What are your thoughts? Please share your ideas in the comments section below.

Hope to see you every week.

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