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Turn Old Facebook Posts To Beautiful LDR Music (No. 2)

Please excuse me. Just making a memory of a life event. Yeah, I felt awkward hearing and seeing myself in the videos. Maybe because I'm not a singer or maybe it's just awkward - no further reasons.

So yes, I turned few of my old Facebook posts to beautiful LDR music. Here's the reason why...

Short history

For five years in college we were good friends. I prayed to God for me to be the first boyfriend, and her to be my first girlfriend. Right after my graduation, when I'm about to say "the words", she decided to work in Thailand. And she did. Thanks to Skype, she said "yes", online. We're in a long distance relationship for another five years. December 2017, I went back to Thailand and surprised her with a proposal. April, the next year, we got married. It's not about how long. It's not about the distance. It's about relationships. I praised the Lord!

October 5, 2015, I visited her in Thailand, my first. With guts and a little bit of creativity, I composed my first song using my old Facebook posts to her as lyrics. I entitled it "Know That I Love You." I call it a success because I had never composed music like that before.

April 11, 2016, her first time to take a vacation in the Philippines. And like the first meeting, I got the same idea for our second meet-up. Going extreme in courtship, I composed another song - a song made in such a way that the lyrics would be from my posts to her Facebook wall, AGAIN. I entitled it "Iktsuarpok."

Iktsuarpok is an Inuit word with no English equivalent. It's like a person who frequently goes outside the house in anticipation to see and wait if anyone is coming over. Iktsuarpok because I am excited about our second meeting after a long distance relationship (LDR).

Here's what I did

Dreams prove to me that I
can still see you even with my eyes closed
Or do I have to wait in suspense
for all your good tales
I could sit here and write
about you and I still wouldn't cover it all
And I held your hand
through all of these years that you still have on me
Gentle sweet a redolent scent so faint
Daily defeated by you
Patience is truly a virtue
and time if gold is worth the wait
God's grace will bring us together
then you'd understand why I fall down to my knees
Missing you gets easier everyday
cause even though I'm one day
further from the last time I saw you
but I'm one day closer to the next time I will.

I know my methods sound like the most cheesy, and I looked mushy idealistic person ever, but it's hard to grasp if people haven't been in the situation - you know that gift that you can make and give with a small amount of hassle and money - despite being so far apart - 5 years in courtship, years in long distance relationship - that situation.

Not a day goes by when my mind does not think of her. She's one of the reasons behind every joy that has ever been a part of my life.

Lights. Camera. Action!

So please, this is not a pursual for sympathy. It's just me praying that our second meeting experience would be a blessing.

So this is a make-over video from my first. Why? I don't want to show me singing, remember?

True enough, when you love, you can't help but sing eh?


In case I change my mind. I'll link here the original video. And there's me singing. Anyway, the past is past. Just to let you know, I'm herp derp serious! I'm struggling with the dental braces, as you are going to find out.

Videography wise, don't be surprised. What do you expect from an inexperienced one-man production? Also, I'm not exactly as photogenic.

By the way, that's not the end of my self-proclaimed 'singing career.' During my proposal, I composed another beautiful song - it made her cry. Check it out!

Let's wrap it up

Truly, our God is a God of love. And from courtship, to engagement, and now as a couple, we are always enjoying every bit of His gift. Now, we are expecting a son. He, too, is another set of adventures for us.

Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. Isaiah 5:1

What is your experience with regards to music and love? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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