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God's Infinite Number Of Extraordinary Ways To Provide You What You Need

A boatbuilder doesn't build a boat and then not build a paddle. Just as a gardener doesn't plant a flower and then not water it.

God doesn't give you an appointment and then not give you what you need.

That's right! We can find amazing stories of provisions in the scriptures.

Didn't He provide young David the stones, skills, and strength when he fought the giant Goliath? Didn't He give Gideon a crazy idea to defeat hundreds of thousands of Midianites without drawing a single sword? When Prophet Elijah was starving, didn't God command the ravens to feed him?

James 1:17 tells us that God is the source of every good and perfect gift.

Amidst discouragement

Now, many of us are getting appointed at the moment to take on greater responsibilities. Health workers combat the pandemic head-on and face significant health risk themselves. Business is slow and income continues to dwindle. Teachers, students, and parents now take on a unique delivery of instructions.

But in our appointments, we can look to Him for provisions. Amidst discouragement, His presence is the ultimate invigorating impulse that optimizes our outlook.

God is our provider. Just as he provided abundant food to a crowd of more than 5,000 from just five loaves of bread and two fish. Just as he provided Peter the coin from the mouth of the first fish he caught.

Extraordinary for you

God has an infinite number of extraordinary ways to provide you what you need.

In your appointment amidst today's seeming discouragement, who do you lean on to so that we can achieve fulfillment?

With how challenging and discouraging your appointment seems, don't you think God that calmed the storm, raised the dead, and let Peter walk on water can do something extraordinary for you as well?

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 ESV

God can and God will!

Have faith and see that your appointments amidst discouragement turn into an achievement, increase, and God's favor making an amazing twist in your life.

Again, who do you lean on to so that you can achieve fulfillment? See you in the comments section.

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