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Resilience That Knows No Limit And Hope That Sees No Ending

In a jungle somewhere, a gazelle has to run for his life regardless of its mood, of the terrain or how long.

Similarly, a lion has to keep racing for survival regardless of injuries or of time of day, or how difficult catching food may be.

One runs for safety. The other races for viability. Either way they run.



Everyone undergoes periods of pain, insecurity, and adversity. That's right, everyone!

Joseph, son of Jacob, was betrayed, sold into slavery, and wrongly imprisoned for years. He had all the right to be bitter but he wasn't. Instead he remained hopeful, forgave those who did him wrong and rose to ranks.

Apostle Paul, was beaten, stoned, criticized, jailed, and nearly killed many times.

And what about Job? Consider his losses and his nasty disease but never for one second forget about his resilience.

Joseph, Paul, and Job

Great men

Abraham Lincoln, was born of poverty, forced out of their home, lost eight elections, failed twice in business, went bankrupt, lost his fiancee, had a total nervous breakdown, but guess what, he was elected 16th US president.

Albert Einstein, after graduating from college, failed to land a job for two years and had a girlfriend his family greatly disapproved of.

Lincoln and Einstein

What these people have in common was resilience.

Yes, we will stumble. But if we have enough faith in God He won't let us fall.

But what do we do? We recover!

Stand up!

Our spirit is resilient. God made us so when He gave us the ability to forgive, to hope, to forget, and to bury the horrid pain in the past.

We are mistaken when we presumptuously claim that we know how things will end or what the final result will be. We are just simply lazy and distrusting in God when we quit being resilient and take matters into our own hands.

That’s why let the God-given wisdom of King Solomon be our reminder to:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

If you have Jesus, your RESILIENCE will know no limit. And your HOPE will see no ending.

What is your experience? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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