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The Beauty Of Repetition

As I have read my Bible, I noticed something. From this, it became a hobby and I considered it as one of my treasure hunting experiences every time I read His word. The more I get into it, the more I find more of it, yet to be thoroughly studied to unveil its hidden truth.

I’m talking about the beauty of repetitions.


I have noticed how these repetitions are placed in the Bible. Sometimes they’re obvious and sometimes they’re not. Sometimes they’re close, as follows verses; and sometimes they’re between chapters.

The most exciting part, however, is when repetitions happen between books. And when repetitions are distributed throughout the Bible? – No wonder it’s a treasure hunting experience.

Why repetition?

Of all the persons in the world, my mother is one that influences me the most. One thing she does is she keeps on repeating things over and over again. From childhood until this very day, I could still hear her repeating the words she said in the past.

My mother would just remind me of the things in life, of work, love, safety, health, relationship, time, and many other aspects. I know by heart why she always repeats these things. She wanted to remind me of the important things in life that she knows I would soon forget.

So those are things pertaining to life that mother wanted me to remember by repeating. Not to mention she would repeat her commands to turn-off the stove every time she leaves, turn-off the lights, close the door, etc. Why? Because it’s important and she knows I would soon forget.

Save More Space?

Could it be possible that, of all the pages in the Bible versus the number of other equally important words that could possibly contain it, it would be very necessary not to repeat to save more space?

Or could it be, God allowed these words to be repeated because these are already important in itself?

The beauty is that these repetitions come in varied forms. They sometimes come as a command, a statement, an experience, or even a whole story.

And when you ask the Lord about it and dwell on it closely, He will surely reveal something you’ll truly cherish from this life unto life.

Check this out

  • In 1 Samuel, little boy Samuel repeatedly answered the call “here I am.”
  • In John 21, Jesus repeatedly asked Peter the same question - "Do you love me?"
  • In Joshua 1, the request to be “strong and of good courage” is repeated a few times.
  • The story of Jesus is repeated in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • In Daniel 2, certain musical instruments are repeatedly mentioned many times.
  • In 2 Kings 5, Naaman submerges 7 times.
  • In Joshua 6, the Israelites circles Jericho 7 times.
  • God repeats creation process: creation and recreation and new Earth
  • Peter denies Jesus 3 times

The list goes on! There's so much more!

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4

Why don’t you join me and discover His words together?

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